Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Welcome

Welcome to all my new students and their families!

I've been doing this Grade 5 blog for a few years and there's lots of interesting old posts that you can read and explore. Use the search button.  Check out the "new students" page above this post.

This blog can be translated into other languages using the box on the left.  

Every Thursday, I post homework on a tab above this post. If you have questions about the homework you can post them on the homework page.  I will answer questions either in class or on the blog.

Let's have an awesome year!

Ms. Halliwell

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🎒BACK TO SCHOOL👨🏽‍🦽🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏿🧑🏻‍🦯

 We are very excited to have students back in the school this week. Here is a short video from our Principal to show you what to expect. See...