Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wind Turbines

We have made electricity from wind energy!  For the last two weeks, the students have been working in groups to create a wind turbine strong enough to light up a small LED light.  The wind turbines will be part of the design challenge exhibited at the Brickworks at the end of April.

Roots Of Empathy

We are very excited to have the opportunity to have the Roots of Empathy programme in our classroom this year.  We will be learning about brain development, temperament, and how to relate to others with empathy.  All this and more will be covered by our little teacher: a small baby.  Our baby, his Mom and the Roots of Empathy facilitator, will be visiting every month for the rest of the year.  We will be able to watch and learn as our little teacher grows. Please check out this link to the programme.http://www.rootsofempathy.org

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Multiplication Tables

Knowing your multiplication tables can be very useful and save you a lot of time.  We will be using them during our up-coming measurement unit when we calculate area. The easiest way to practice them is to concentrate on the ones that are the most difficult for you.  Don't review the two, five or ten times tables if you already know them.
Here's a fun way to practice on-line:  http://www.mathsisfun.com/timestable.html
You can also download quizzes for yourself from this site.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela

This is a link to a site about Nelson Mandela.
We looked at it in class and the students asked for it to be posted here.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Energy Saving Posters

These posters are from 5C.  

Saving Energy

In science, we have been learning about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.  The students discovered why energy from fossils fuels needs to be conserved. (We can't make more and burning fossil fuels adds to global warming.). We played two different games to learn the vocabulary and the concepts: zap and CO2 tag. Parents, ask your child to tell you about these games. After doing some research about ways to save energy at home and at school, the students created posters to hang up around our school.  The posters will teach the other students about ways to conserve energy and why it is so important.  I will post a few of the posters.
Remember to bring in an empty one or two litre milk carton or an empty two litre plastic pop bottle to school by Wednesday, November 27.  We will be doing a renewable energy design challenge with some guest scientists.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Extra Math Practice

For parents and students who would like to do more math at home.  Here is a link to an interactive math site.
It is not part of our homework:


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Analyzing Data

We have found that this little song helps us remember the math vocabulary for analyzing data.

Hey diddle diddle
The median's the middle;
You add and divide for the mean.
The mode is the one that appears the most,
And the range is the difference between.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cobra Sticks

In Science we have been exploring potential gravitational energy using our rollercoasters.  We tried to create cobra sticks using jumbo Popsicle sticks (available at Staples or Wallmart).  Cobra sticks are an example of potential energy too. Here's a video to show you how to do it:

It takes practice but it could be a fun part of your own Rube Goldburg machine!

Friday, October 18, 2013


 In Science we have been exploring potential (stored) energy and kinetic (movement or working) energy.  We used pool noodles sliced in half horizontally for the track, and marbles for the rollercoaster cars.  The students discovered how to give more energy to their marbles to travel over hills or through loops.  After completing a number of challenges with our rollercoasters, the students explored more complex designs.  This was a project where everyone needed teammates.

We have been watching some Rube Goldburg machines to see how they use potential and kinetic energy.  Here is a link to one of our favourite designs: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cv5WLLYo-fk

Friday, October 11, 2013

Logic Game To Play

This week we learned a new logic game called Ah-ha, Power, Nada.  The students played with partner.  The first person chose a 3 digit number and hid it from their partner.  Their partner took turns guessing the number.  The first person would only give these clues:

Ah-ha = the digit was correct but in the wrong position
Power = the digit was correct and in the right position
Nada = the digit and the position were incorrect

Create a simple 4 column chart with the first column for the guess and the other columns for the 3 clues.  Make an X in the correct column after each guess.  Play this game at home.  If you're playing with a younger family member, you might want to use a two-digit number.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Exploring Jobs In Science




Landscape Architect
The students learned a little more about the jobs that different scientists do.  They chose a job that was interesting for them and they created a "crazy" scientist picture.  (The scientist has turned into the job that they do.)  Here are some of the very imaginative  "crazy" scientists.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Terry Fox

This Friday we will be having our annual Terry Fox Run to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society.  The students in my class have decided to bring in a loonie or a twoonie for Terry.  We set a class goal for fundraising and we hope to reach it.
For families who are new to Canada and might not know the story of Terry Fox's marathon of hope, please watch this video.

Terry Fox is a Canadian hero.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mystery Number

Students will be creating mystery numbers containing 5 to 7 digits.  This project will be part of their math unit in number sense.  You can play a game like this at home.  All you need is a set of digit cards with the digits 0-9 or a deck of playing cards with the face cards removed.  The first player shuffles the cards and then lays out five cards in a row in a place where the other players cannot see them.  The first player then gives clues to the others.  Whoever guesses the mystery number first wins and hides the next number.
What kind of clues to do you give?  Here's an example:

"I have a 5-digit number.
There is an 8 in the ten thousands' place.
The hundreds' place is half of the thousands' place.
There is a 2 in the thousands' place.
The tens' place is the product of 2 x 2.
The ones' place has one less than the tens' place.
What is my mystery number?"

82 143

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Learning to read big numbers.

This video will help remind you how to read large numbers.  In Canada, we don't use commas.  We use spaces between each "house," or period.

At home, create a set of digit cards:
1. Cut out 10 pieces of paper or card.
2. Put one digit on each card (0-9).
3. Build a number with more than four digits.
4. Practice reading it.

Use you digit cards to play a game with a partner.
1. Mix up your cards and share them equally between you and your friend.
2. The winner is the person who can create the largest number with their cards.
3. Record who won.  Mix up the cards again and repeat the game several times.

🎒BACK TO SCHOOL👨🏽‍🦽🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏿🧑🏻‍🦯

 We are very excited to have students back in the school this week. Here is a short video from our Principal to show you what to expect. See...